Monday, August 26, 2019

AU-C Section 200.23: Objectives Stated in Individual AU-C Sections

AU-C Section 200.23 says:

"To achieve the overall objectives of the auditor, the auditor should use the objectives stated in individual AU-C sections in planning and performing the audit considering the interrelationships within GAAS to
  1. determine whether any audit procedures in addition to those required by individual AU-C sections are necessary in pursuance of the objectives stated in each AU-C section; and
  2. evaluate whether sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained."

The objectives in each AU-C section help the auditor to link the requirements to the overarching goal of complying with the AU-C section and to focus the auditor on the desired outcome of the AU-C section.  This will help the auditor to:
  • understand what needs to be accomplished and, when necessary, the appropriate means of doing so; and
  • decide whether more needs to be done to achieve the objectives in the particular circumstances of the audit.
In using the objectives, the auditor is required to consider the inter-relationships among the AU-C sections. This is because the AU-C sections in some cases address general responsibilities that apply to other sections and to the audit overall (e.g., the requirement for professional skepticism is included in this section and applies to all areas of the audit and to other sections, but is not included as a requirement in other sections).

The achievement of the objectives in each AU-C Section should be the ultimate goal of the auditor.  And in cases where the requirements of an AU-C Section do not achieve the objectives (e.g., in an unusual circumstance or engagement), the auditor should perform additional procedures necessary to achieve the objectives.  This might require the auditor to:
  • Evaluate whether further relevant audit evidence has been, orwill be, obtained as a result of complying with other AU-C sections; 
  • Extend the work performed in applying one or more requirements; and/or
  • Perform other procedures judged by the auditor to be necessary inthe circumstances.
If the objectives have not been met, and none of the above additional considerations are practical or possible, the auditor should the auditor will not be able to obtain sufficient appropriate auditevidence and is required by GAAS to determine the effect on the auditor's reportor on the auditor's ability to complete the engagement.

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